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2019 Letter(s) to John Alexander MP

[DISTRIBUTED: 2019 Jun-Jul, (almost) All MPs]

I am U Ne Oo, a grassroots refugee supporter who lives in Ryde NSW. I work to support myself as a cleaner and I am not working for any other lobbying advocacy groups nor political parties.

All the way with Adam

In recent days, we -- in Australia -- had been bombarded with mass media reportage of Donald Trump, the controversial businessman elected to become a US President. That media hoo-haa on Donald Trump, of course, is a time killer: you've now live in the era of 24/7 electronic media; you cannot necessarily avoid or shut out the agendas (or non-agendas) of mass media.

Media monopoly: blackout vs spotlight

The activists in Australia have noticed frequent streaming of propaganda by the mass media. In previous posting, how the mass media has been controlled by the "Establishment" and created a "blackout" re: the death of refugee Faysal Ahmed in Manus Island [#1]. We can now have a look at how the media "spotlight" may be created by the Establishment. Remember, such mass media spotlight has been utilized to spread certain propaganda, which is to serve specific government's agenda. We can have a look at one of recent media incident as a specific example.

Media monopoly and conspiracy of silence

There has been a universal silence from both Labour and LNP on unnecessary death of Faysal on Christmas Eve. When dealing with issues related to offshore detention, both major parties seems to suffer from the "elephant in the room" syndrome -- simply avoid talking about the sensitive issue. Having said that, the total media/political (non)response on the death of Manus Is. refugee, Faysal Ahmad, on this Christmas Eve has gone beyond this syndrome of "elephant in the room".

Lets shine our solidarity on Manus Island and Nauru

Friends, as all of you are being aware, the Turnbull LNP government proposed bill about lifetime visa ban for asylum-seekers is before the Senate [ #1, #2 ]. The Senate is required to decide that bill on the 22 November 2016. Several critics of this bill have pointed out as "a cruelty beyond measure" to the asylum-seekers.

Should Dutton be sacked for adopting Cockroach Agenda

Day by day, all the myths begin to disappear and we're having clearer picture about the so-called US refugee swap deal and the lifetime visa ban [#1]. As for PM Turnbull's US refugee swap deal, there never was a proper consultation -- or being reported thereof -- with the UNHCR or, even, IOM. It is probable that the 'flimsy' proposal was floated by Mr Turnbull with US administration few months ago.

No Lecture, More Pressure

Just as we have suspected all along, the PNG deal was designed by Rudd/Gillard Labour government as a temporary, short one year term solution [#1], implemented as a circuit-breaker for the heightened people-smuggling activities at that time 2011-2013. The direction of which Mr Rudd now reveals in this Canberra Times article is also consistent with the recommendations in Huston's Expert Panel report of 2012.

Australia's diminishing political capital

Are there any more reluctant takers in Asia-Pacific ? Friends, this is the SMH news article exactly one years ago, saying the Philippine wasn't going to take any of Australia's offshore asylum-seekers on Manus and Nauru.

Corrupt Syndicate and Cover-ups

We haven't hear much more about the The Guardian's FOI court case [#3], which it might be possible to establish the details of RAN incursion into Indonesian territorial waters. That RAN incursion, of course, can now be understood within the context of unpublicized boat turnback agreement between Indonesia and Australia.

Royal Commission on Offshore Detention Regime, an initiative worth supporting

Green's motion on Royal Commission is well worth supporting. Friends, our favourite SHY may be off-limit on immigration issues. But the Greens has never disappointed us. Senator McKim had moved a Royal Commission onto offshore detention regime ( voted down by Labor & LNP) .


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Common law aspects of the doctor-patient contractual relationship in connection with the patient's natural (inalienable) rights in medical treatment. Examine Commonwealth Government's healthcare provision in offshore immigration detention based on the common law doctor-patient contract. Open public license 4.0 applied all content.


Collection of evidence and cases on detention slavery. Have chosen pieces of evidence that are reliable so that one can submit directly to the tribunal of fact. All evidence is taken from verifiable sources only. Two examples of enslavement with medevac delays on Faysal Ishak Ahmed and Samuel. Open public license 4.0 applied all content.


Australia's offshore processing scheme is interpreted within the context of enslavement of asylum-seekers. Starts with the applicability of Australian slavery laws at offshore settings, compare international and domestic slavery laws. Then, identify offshore medevac delay incidents as the indicators for slavery. Elucidate such delay incidents as violation of natural rights of human person, and that of Torture Laws and Slavery Laws.