Boat turnback bribery and predictable silence

Last Friday's (5/2/16) Senate Inquiry on DIBP and Bribery event seems to be covered only by The Guardian, which is an international publication, and a 'Left wing' the publication which it is often been charged! Predictably, the mass media within Australia had been silent on this subject. Even the national broadcasters like ABC & SBS were silent on this boat turnback bribery incident.

However, judging from the comment box of The Guardian alone, the public in Australia have intense interest on this subject. For example, when I submitted my comment yesterday to The Guardian, there were about 700 replies already. Within 48hrs, the numbers of comments had grown to more than 1000. That article was widely shared 2,800 times -- that is across the globe.

We can be certain also that, by the time now, the individual journalists, including those from spin factories, are keeping close watch on this subject. Why wouldn't it be ? After all, the Government Scandals have been the journalists' favourite subject. I would say, the Australian Government's attempt to put a gag on this issue will be futile with today's communication modes.

As for the grassroots activists (remember, WE all ARE Activists!), we can always do what the mass media will never be able to do. First, share this article from the Guardian, preferably from its original website. Secondly, while catching up your family friends in a backyard BBQ, just talk abit about the refugees and "our" government's current predicaments. Talk about it in a meeting or a rally, if you get a chance. Call, write & fax your local MP, inquire about this boat turnback bribery payments. -- In Solidarity, U Ne Oo, Sydney.

Michael Pezzullo (left) and Maj Gen Andrew Bottrell at the Senate inquiry in Canberra; picture The Guardian.


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